The Louisiana Animal Shelter Registry (R.S. 3:2366) was established January 2017. The Louisiana state veterinarian will establish and maintain the Louisiana Animal Shelter Registry enabling the task force to carry out its duties (R.S. 3:2364). All public animal shelters owned and operated, or designated for the purpose of impoundment of animals by any parish, municipality, or other subdivision of the state, may register their agency/shelter on or before the first day of February of each calendar year.
Online Registration Process:
To register your shelter/agency online, complete the Louisiana Animal Shelter Registry online form found here
You may also consider registering shelter statistics online into the Basic Animal Data Matrix using the Shelter Animals Count online database. Please visit the Shelter Animals Count website for steps on how to set up an account and complete the online Basic Animal Data Matrix.
For questions regarding the registration process, please email us at LACATF.
View the current registrants here, Animal Shelter Registry